Hosted by the Redding Chamber of Commerce and V!VA Downtown.
Join us for a dynamic debate forum featuring the eight candidates running for Redding’s City Council seats.
This is your chance to hear from those running for the upcoming terms:
2-Year Term Candidates: Former Council Member Erin Resner, Councilman Mark Mezzano, and Business Owner Anthony Spengler.
4-Year Term Candidates: Medical Doctor/Educator Paul Dhanuka, Assessor Mapping Specialist Ian Hill, Business Owner Mike Littau, Developer Joshua Johnson, and Business Owner David Backues.
The majority of the event will focus on answering questions from YOU, the people of Redding.
Don't miss this opportunity to engage with the future leaders of Redding. This event is free to attend. See you there!
Submit a question for your candidates HERE!
Wednesday Oct 2, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM PDT
The Cascade Theater
1731 Market St
Redding CA 96001
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Redding Chamber of Commerce for more information.
1321 Butte St 100, Redding, CA 96001-1034 – (530) 225-4433 –